So much news!

I got home late tonight, about 7pm instead of 6. I've just been looking at all the news since I left for work this morning at 7am! At school I have no access to the worldly parts of the internet, being able only to visit educational sites etc. But I do have opportunity to write during my After school job and I began writing a biblical exploration of the verse about 'casting pearls before swine' and how to deal with the plethora of mockers and scoffers Peter had prophesied would come in the last days.

Then I got home and I read news about the push for a Palestinian State and how the momentum is gaining traction in unprecedented ways. I'd written about that in last Saturday's Prophecy Newsletter, and after I'd read those articles today about the Palestinian State plan solidifying I decided to also write about that subject tonight.

While I was mulling all that over and finishing up my sandwich, I made the "mistake" of checking Facebook, lol. A friend had put up a very, very good video about the fiscal armageddon that is soon to be upon us. Hmmm, I though, interesting. When I got finished watching and pondered writing an essay about that, I checked Drudge and saw that the main headline had been changed to "Fiscal meltdown" with a link to an article unrelated to the video I'd just seen but rather was a warning from Sen. McCain. So I thought an essay for that subject was definitely in order.

Then I saw a video of a very weird problem in Japan. I can't find a date for the vid but it seems highly likely that it is recent. It shows that though an earthquake is not happening at that moment, the sidewalk and parking lot an an unnamed city in Japan is simply moving like a dock on the tidal waters. It is some extreme liquefaction, and I thought about Isaiah's prediction of the earth breaking apart and mulled putting up an blog entry about that.

So the upshot is that I've spent the last hour culling through SO MUCH news the last hour, and there are so many choices that I've expired my time and energy for the evening! I am going to go pray instead.

I really think it won't be long now.


  1. Love your posts! Two questions: First, do you have a link to that super liquifaction story? Second, how do I sign up to receive your newsletters. I signed up on the email list to the right but have not received anything. Thank you! Look forward to more insightful messages!

  2. How do I subscribe to get the Newsletter you mentioned?
    Thanks for all the updates...I really like your site, thanks for taking the time to update and encourage us, it's greatly apreciated!!

  3. If the video of the ground liquification is this one: it was taken during the main earthquake by Brent Kooi. He's been called a CNN reporter in one place, but actually, he is a missionary to Japan with Mission to the World: . We met Brent in Washington State last year while we were both at the same church giving presentations. This blog will give an explanation of the liquification going on during the earthquake: (scroll down a bit). Since The Landslide Blog is about landslides, obviously :-), there is a lot of info at that site about many slides all over the world. If the video you saw is not the same one, can you post the link to it? Thanks!

  4. Hello Anonymouses,

    If you email me your email address I will sign you up for the newsletter I email out. It comes on Saturday nights and it's a scan of news from the previous week with explanations, prophecy discussion, exhortations and encouragement on a wide variety of subjects. My email address is at the bottom left.

    Anonymous, the email signup to the right on this blog should get you copies of the blog essays RSS sends out automatically after they're published here. The newsletter is different.

    Colorado, I will check the blog site you mentioned and then post a link to the Japan liquefaction tonight when I get home from school. Thank you for the info!!

  5. Wow! There is SO much going on! Everyday, I see something related to Bible prophecy. I've pondered starting a blog on it myself, but I don't know if I'd be faithful enough to post daily. That is why I am so blessed to have found YOUR blog! Thank you for being a watchman in these last days! And you are right-- I do not think it will be long now.


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