The fig tree is blooming

I love my End Time banner, the bird flying. I took that photo of birds against a stormy sky. The shades of blue-to-gray seemed calming to me and the bird's perfect silhouette was just precious.

In addition, it was uncluttered and allowed for easy reading of the blog title and title description, and didn't compete with the text.

In a Georgia spring, there is a lot to look at. I often walk around the yard, looking at the burst of blossoms everywhere. I especially like the large fig tree in the back yard. It yields lots of figs in two or three harvests a year. Yay!

Fig trees and figs figure prominently in the bible. (Did you see what I did there?) I like this verse-

"And he told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. As soon as they come out in leaf, you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near." (Luke 21:29-31)

When I see the fig tree blooming, I like to think that the rapture is near. I know the two aren't literally linked, the verse is only a parable after all, but after living so many years in Maine and never even dreaming that actual fig trees could actually grow in the yard and actual figs can be picked, well, I just grin and enjoy thinking of the verse when I see the tree out there.

So I chose a fig tree banner just to change the blog a little. It's been a few years. No. I don't like change, but I force myself, lol. I hope you enjoy.


  1. The bird was a photograph, I thought it was drawn somehow. I like the lovely shade of grey didn't notice until now nice shot! Have you taken any pictures of sun showers? Grey clouds with rain accompanied by a shining sun has always been a pretty sight to me.

    1. Hi Courtney,

      It was a crop of a photo of four birds flying away from a storm cloud in the background. I have taken lots of shots of the sky, clouds, moon, and sun sets. One photo that nearly matches your description, I took in the Bahamas after a rain shower, over the harbor of sailboats with a rainbow. It is on 35 mm film. I feel the same as you- there are so many pretty things in the sky to look at, and one of my favorite is birds.

  2. While rightly dividing the Word, and the Holy Spirit teaches us what is symbolic & what is true, physical reality ~ yet I always wondered if there could be a dual meaning to the "when you see the fig tree budding" Scripture ~ perhaps BOTH symbolic AND physical??

    After all, the last part of that verse is certainly in our faces now as well: when you see all these things come to pass, know that the kingdom of God is NEAR! AMEN!

    Perhaps the rapture may be this spring? Not predicting, just saying...(and hoping)... Lord willing! Certainly all things are lined up & good to go.

    1. Hi Reva,

      well said. I hope so too. At the very least, when the actual fig tree in my yard blooms keep my attention on Jesus and His prophetic promises!


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