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The officials are calling it bubonic plague that's spread by drought, and poor food on the military bases, but that is not the usual method of transfer of this particular kind of plague. Plague is highly infectious and whatever kind it is, natural or biological, it would have the potential to render the Syrian Army decimated just at the time when tensions between Israel, Syria, and Iran are at their most tense. If the Syrian soldiers are experiencing plague they could carry the infections to their home towns when they disperse in Mid-August for Ramadan.
"If you take something like Bot - I gram of crystalline Botulinium is estimated to kill about a million people if it were evenly dispersed..." Dr. Jill Dekker

Isaiah 17:1 states that Damascus will be destroyed. It will be a heap of ruins and will cease from being a city. That prophecy has not been fulfilled yet because Damascus, being the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, has never been abandoned nor destroyed.
The title of this entry refers to a promise that Jesus made. He was speaking to the disciples about the end times signs, as recorded in Luke 21:11 and Jesus said "There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven." This promise could refer to the things that will happen in the 7-year Tribulation as much as it could be interpreted to occur in the time immediately prior to the start of the last 7 years. In any case, the stage is being set for plagues, and do not assume that the plagues to come will be generated only naturally. They could be man-made, the result of bio-weaponry used in one of the many wars that Jesus also promised would come.
The fact is that Isaiah 17:1 will be fulfilled at some point. The fact is that Syria is extremely sophisticated in their bio-weaponry program and highly advanced in their determination to use it. Events in the Middle East bear watching more than ever. And looking up to the skies for our Redemption bears more watching than ever.
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Greetings in our Lord and Saviour's name, the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise be to Him.
ReplyDeleteThe Lord called me in 1981 through the preaching of an evangelist visiting our city. He preached the "pre-wrath" Rapture (just after the middle of the Tribulation period). After I became born-again the night of his preaching I started studying the Scriptures and within a few days I believed in the "pre-tribulation" Rapture and have studied all view points thoroughly over these years, but never changed my mind. I know that the Lord grounded that belief in my heart and I have preached and witnessed it many times. Soon I will have my website ready for the Lord.
Another easy way to proclaim the "pre-tribualtion" Rapture from the Scriptures is the following.
Most eschatology students agree that the Church is in Heaven from Revelation 4 onwards.
I won't go into explaining this at this point.
In Revelation 5 the Lord Jesus Christ receives the scroll with the seven seals.
In Revelation 6 He opens the first seal and the rider on the white horse comes onto the scene, which we all know is the coming Antichrist.
So this is already one point that confirms that the Church has been raptured.
In 2 Thessalonians 3-8 Paul talks about the man of lawlessness who we know is the Antichrist. Paul says that someone is restraining the Antichrist and holding him back from being revealed. We all know that the restrainer is no-one else than the Holy Spirit working directly and through the Church (that is the true Church, the body of Christ). When He (the restrainer) is taken out of the way (verse 7) the man of lawlessness is revealed (verse 8).
Now as the Holy Spirit indwells all born-again believers, He can't be taken out of the way unless the Church is taken out of the way as well as the Lord's promise is that He will NEVER leave us! So when the restrainer (the Holy Spirit) is taken out of the way to allow the Antichrist to be revealed, the Church (the Body of Christ)is taken out of the way at the Rapture. The Scriptures say that we are the salt of the earth. Salt prevents rot, so when the Holy Spirit removes the Church the rot will set in very rapidly and the scene is ripe for the Antichrist to appear on the world scene and that's when he will be revealed and after a while make the seven year covenant with many. He is no doubt somewhere on this earth awaiting his moment. Always remember, everything happens at the "APPOINTED" time. God is in complete control. Nothing can nor will happen in the endtimes scenario unless it is in the complete chronology of God's time plan.
When studying the Scriptures one soon learns that all happens when God is ready.
Remember Jeremiah 32:17 "Ah Lord God! Behold, Thou has made the heavens and the earth by Thy great power and by Thine outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for Thee."
Maranatha - Come Lord Jesus!
Hi Paul,
ReplyDeleteAgreed, and well said! Blessings to you, and may He soon come!
The Gulf oil spill, hurricanes, and the recent heat wave have many searching for answers. The internet is buzzing with articles and excellent blogs. But could it be simply the biblical sequence of God's wrath being poured out upon the earth which is relevant to current events in today's world? What if we are dealing with the wrath of God? Please visit my blog at http://www.danielsblog.org . Author of the book Final Warning
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting Reverend. I read on your site "What if we are dealing with the wrath of God? The Bible clearly indicates that during the Great Tribulation that his angels, “will pour out his bowl (God’s wrath) on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead man, and every living thing in the sea died.” (Revelation 16:3) The shocking truth about this prophecy is that dead man’s blood is a brownish red color that is very similar to that of the oil spill."
ReplyDeleteI respectfully say that it is not a 'shocking truth' but simply man's greed that sparked an oil spill. :)
The bible is pretty clear that we will be raptured prior to the wrath, which is stated to begin in Rev 6. As for the BP spill, John is clear that the seas will be *actual* blood (not oil and not a substance that "looks like" blood). I wrote about these issues, using the scriptures to explain, here
and here
He is coming soon, I believe we can agree on that, and He is mighty to save!
amos said dont ask the day of the lord
ReplyDeleteWe still are here and believe it was back in 1975 that WT predicted end of world soon.
ReplyDeleteFear is opposite to faith - right! And no man can predict such foolishness.
No, it was back in 55 AD that Paul said the end of the world was coming, after the rapture. Only unsaved people fear. Personally I'm looking forward to being with Jesus, and I know I will be- in full faith.
ReplyDeleteJeff Macey Christchurch NZ - we have been shaken much. What really amazed me was the fact that people were blaspheming our Lord Jesus Christ as the E/Q was shaken the place...people were not calling out to the Lord, however, I had a piece like in Psalm 91. Yes, my dear Joy and I believe the days are rapidly closing in, however, people are seriously looking for truth...Jesus is their only hope! Over the last few weeks, the Holy Spirit has laid on our hearts the need to love God and others and to be ready to give an account of our salvation in Jesus Christ. Christians need to be vigilant and share their faith in these exciting last days. May God bless you dear brothers and sisters in Christ our glorious Lord Jesus Christ's name.
ReplyDeleteLove others indeed. The proof is in the pudding. Peter H