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There is an UPDATE to this story, here. Thanks for reading :)
Nothing much happens in Guy Arkansas, pop. 549. That is, until last Monday, when the ground began shaking under the residents' feet. The town, just 50 miles north of Little Rock, has been enduring an earthquake swarm and the dozens of constant earthquakes have been more than unsettling to the people who live there. "People don't like the ground to move under their feet," he said. "And I don't blame them," said Gary Ausbrooks of the Arkansas Geological Survey.
"Earthquake swarms are events where a local area experiences sequences of many striking in a relatively short period of time. The length of time used to define the swarm itself varies, but the points out that an event may be on the order of days, weeks, or months. They are differentiated from earthquakes succeeded by a series of by the observation that no single earthquake in the sequence is obviously the main shock. Earthquake swarms are one of the events typically preceding eruptions of volcanoes." (Source)
It reminds me of the story of the only volcano to be born in the modern era. Paricutin, the Hill of Fire volcano was born in a Mexican farmer's field as he was plowing corn, and in just a few short days the volcano had grown to many hundreds of feet and was constantly spewing lava. The whole town was soon covered with ash and lava, and the locals were relocated.
In this case, the swarm is reminding people of the nearby New Madrid Fault. "The New Madrid fault system was responsible for the 1811–1812 New Madrid earthquakes and may have the potential to produce large earthquakes in the future. At New Madrid, trees were knocked down and riverbanks collapsed. This event shook windows and furniture in Washington, D.C., rang bells in Richmond, Virginia, sloshed well water and shook houses in Charleston, South Carolina, and knocked plaster off of houses in Columbia, South Carolina. In Jefferson, Indiana, furniture moved and in Lebanon, Ohio, residents fled their homes. Observers in Herculaneum, Missouri, called it "severe" and claimed it had a duration of 10–12 minutes." Earthquakes that occur there potentially threaten parts of seven U.S. states: Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi. The map below shows Damage-range comparison between a moderate New Madrid zone earthquake (1895, magnitude 6.8), and a similar Los Angeles event (1994, magnitude 6.7). And the 1811-12 quake shook Memphis at a level NINE.
Here are a few of the news clips about this swarm. Some of the clips were published a few days ago, so the news by now (Friday evening, 15th Oct) will be superseded by new numbers. There are a few statements I'd like to focus on below, for the end time context.
48 earthquakes rock Faulkner County
Faulkner County residents had a shaky start to their Monday morning as a 4.0-magnitude earthquake rattled throughout the county. The quake, which occurred at 8:33 a.m. and was centered two miles southeast of Guy, was just one of 48 earthquakes reported since Wednesday afternoon. According to Shelia Maxwell with the Faulkner County Office of Emergency Management, the U.S. Geological Survey is looking into the recent earthquake activity in the area. “We’re having them (earthquakes) in places we’ve never had them before,” Maxwell said. “The USGS is looking into why we’re having them and why there have been so many.”
3 days ago, "Activity centered near Guy"
Coker says, "This is my home. And I feel like my home has been invaded. And not only that, but I feel that since we are taking advantage of mother Earth, she's beginning to fight back. And I really don't think we'll like the consequences."
Earthquake swarm rattled Guy Arkansas residents
"A string of small earthquakes has rattled people in Guy. The most recent hit Thursday, a 3.5 according to the Arkansas Geological Survey. But it started Monday with a 4.0 and the shaking hasn't stopped since. "It's unsettling. People don't like the ground to move under their feet," said Scott Ausbrooks, a geohazard supervisor with the state survey."
The first news clip above quoted the Emergency Management Agency and USGS as saying that they had not had such activity in their area like this before. HMMM.
The woman whose property many of the quakes are centered under says that 'Mother Nature' is "fighting back." She is noticing something we are all noticing, that 'natural disasters' and like-events are increasing, and also that we are in a fight. She's right, but it's not Mother Nature that is doing the fighting. And that is the crux of the end time problem: a Godless society.
Last, the man quoted in the third clip said that it is unsettling. It certainly must be unsettling. Constant earthquakes are unsettling, the very ground under your feet that seems so solid...isn't.
Jesus said that there will be earthquakes in diverse places in Matthew 24:7 as a sign of the end of the age. He was speaking about the Tribulation and answering a question from three of His closest disciples as to the signs of the end of days. Jesus' response pointed to the Tribulation, which we will not be around to endure, since we are not appointed to wrath. (1 Thess 5:9; Rev 6:16)
However He said that the end of days will be like birth pangs (Mt 24:8) and that means the events start slow and build up. I call the events we are seeing now precursors to the judgments the world will experience during the tribulation (the 7 years set aside to judge an unbelieving world). I always take note of statements by credible officials such as "We’re having them (earthquakes) in places we’ve never had them before," and “The USGS is looking into why we’re having them and why there have been so many." Which simply means the officials have never seen this kind of activity previously and they don't know why it's happening now.
We know why it is happening now. Jesus is coming soon. Nations that mock Him, turn away from His laws, and wallow in sin get judged. He said He would warn us, and He said then He would judge us. He sent an angel to Daniel to explain what was coming, and their conversation is recorded in Daniel 9: and in verse 24 the angel explains the length of time for the judgment, the reasons for it and what will happen: "Seventy 'sevens' are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy."
Believers should be looking up pretty well constantly nowadays. You can almost hear the indrawn breath of the Trumpet blower

"Earthquake swarms are events where a local area experiences sequences of many striking in a relatively short period of time. The length of time used to define the swarm itself varies, but the points out that an event may be on the order of days, weeks, or months. They are differentiated from earthquakes succeeded by a series of by the observation that no single earthquake in the sequence is obviously the main shock. Earthquake swarms are one of the events typically preceding eruptions of volcanoes." (Source)
It reminds me of the story of the only volcano to be born in the modern era. Paricutin, the Hill of Fire volcano was born in a Mexican farmer's field as he was plowing corn, and in just a few short days the volcano had grown to many hundreds of feet and was constantly spewing lava. The whole town was soon covered with ash and lava, and the locals were relocated.
In this case, the swarm is reminding people of the nearby New Madrid Fault. "The New Madrid fault system was responsible for the 1811–1812 New Madrid earthquakes and may have the potential to produce large earthquakes in the future. At New Madrid, trees were knocked down and riverbanks collapsed. This event shook windows and furniture in Washington, D.C., rang bells in Richmond, Virginia, sloshed well water and shook houses in Charleston, South Carolina, and knocked plaster off of houses in Columbia, South Carolina. In Jefferson, Indiana, furniture moved and in Lebanon, Ohio, residents fled their homes. Observers in Herculaneum, Missouri, called it "severe" and claimed it had a duration of 10–12 minutes." Earthquakes that occur there potentially threaten parts of seven U.S. states: Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi. The map below shows Damage-range comparison between a moderate New Madrid zone earthquake (1895, magnitude 6.8), and a similar Los Angeles event (1994, magnitude 6.7). And the 1811-12 quake shook Memphis at a level NINE.
Here are a few of the news clips about this swarm. Some of the clips were published a few days ago, so the news by now (Friday evening, 15th Oct) will be superseded by new numbers. There are a few statements I'd like to focus on below, for the end time context.
48 earthquakes rock Faulkner County
Faulkner County residents had a shaky start to their Monday morning as a 4.0-magnitude earthquake rattled throughout the county. The quake, which occurred at 8:33 a.m. and was centered two miles southeast of Guy, was just one of 48 earthquakes reported since Wednesday afternoon. According to Shelia Maxwell with the Faulkner County Office of Emergency Management, the U.S. Geological Survey is looking into the recent earthquake activity in the area. “We’re having them (earthquakes) in places we’ve never had them before,” Maxwell said. “The USGS is looking into why we’re having them and why there have been so many.”
3 days ago, "Activity centered near Guy"
Coker says, "This is my home. And I feel like my home has been invaded. And not only that, but I feel that since we are taking advantage of mother Earth, she's beginning to fight back. And I really don't think we'll like the consequences."
Earthquake swarm rattled Guy Arkansas residents
"A string of small earthquakes has rattled people in Guy. The most recent hit Thursday, a 3.5 according to the Arkansas Geological Survey. But it started Monday with a 4.0 and the shaking hasn't stopped since. "It's unsettling. People don't like the ground to move under their feet," said Scott Ausbrooks, a geohazard supervisor with the state survey."
The first news clip above quoted the Emergency Management Agency and USGS as saying that they had not had such activity in their area like this before. HMMM.
The woman whose property many of the quakes are centered under says that 'Mother Nature' is "fighting back." She is noticing something we are all noticing, that 'natural disasters' and like-events are increasing, and also that we are in a fight. She's right, but it's not Mother Nature that is doing the fighting. And that is the crux of the end time problem: a Godless society.
Last, the man quoted in the third clip said that it is unsettling. It certainly must be unsettling. Constant earthquakes are unsettling, the very ground under your feet that seems so solid...isn't.
Jesus said that there will be earthquakes in diverse places in Matthew 24:7 as a sign of the end of the age. He was speaking about the Tribulation and answering a question from three of His closest disciples as to the signs of the end of days. Jesus' response pointed to the Tribulation, which we will not be around to endure, since we are not appointed to wrath. (1 Thess 5:9; Rev 6:16)
However He said that the end of days will be like birth pangs (Mt 24:8) and that means the events start slow and build up. I call the events we are seeing now precursors to the judgments the world will experience during the tribulation (the 7 years set aside to judge an unbelieving world). I always take note of statements by credible officials such as "We’re having them (earthquakes) in places we’ve never had them before," and “The USGS is looking into why we’re having them and why there have been so many." Which simply means the officials have never seen this kind of activity previously and they don't know why it's happening now.
We know why it is happening now. Jesus is coming soon. Nations that mock Him, turn away from His laws, and wallow in sin get judged. He said He would warn us, and He said then He would judge us. He sent an angel to Daniel to explain what was coming, and their conversation is recorded in Daniel 9: and in verse 24 the angel explains the length of time for the judgment, the reasons for it and what will happen: "Seventy 'sevens' are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy."
Believers should be looking up pretty well constantly nowadays. You can almost hear the indrawn breath of the Trumpet blower
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Informative and interesting article. Unfortunately the "rapture" concept is not based on Scripture but on a vision Margaret McDonald had in the 1830s. I would suggest you study up on this because very difficult times are ahead for believers. There is no escapism. We are to be overcomers during the tribulation. Please be as the Bereans and study God's Word not mans--we must be prepared or we may lose heart during the hard times bearing down upon us.
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliment. However, you are wrong about the rapture being a doctrine of man invented in the 1800s. It has been and always was in the bible--
1 Corinthians 15:51-52
Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. (NIV)
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. (NIV)
Isaiah 26:19-21. "But your dead will live; their bodies will rise. You who dwell in the dust, wake up and shout for joy. Your dew is like the dew of the morning; the earth will give birth to her dead. Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by. See, the LORD is coming out of his dwelling to punish the people of the earth for their sins."
It is extremely clear to me thru these and other verses that allude to it that we "escape." Further, Paul told us we would 'escape'. 1 Thess 5:9 "For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ."
The wrath (judgment) is declared to have begun in Rev 6:17 and to be concluded in the 7 plagues as mentioned in Rev 15:1 and are poured out in Rev 16.
Thank you for the suggestion to study, but I have, and the clear word of the LORD is that we will be raptured. If you have come to a different conclusion, I am sorry, because you have missed the point of the Church Age and the reason that there will be a Tribulation in the first place. We who are saved already are not to be punished (Dan 9:24), because we are forgiven. The Tribulation is a time of punishment, and we are absolved. It might be best for you to go back to the Word and ask the Spirit to open the eyes of your heart and render understanding of the verses I've shared. :)
Earthquakes are a common occurence around the world. The New Madrid fault has a lot of potential to cause massive earthquakes. The difference between the activity happenning now vs 1895 or 1812 is that region is heavily populated. Therefore the affected region will suffer large loss of life and property damage if a large magnitude earthquake occurs.
ReplyDeleteHowever my point would actually be, that earthquakes are common and have been historically common. Actually we have many fewer earthquakes today than have occurred otherwise throughout the written history of man. I see no reason to believe, at least from the point of this article, that the end is near and that eathquakes in Arkansas were proof positive. I was dissappointed to read so little basis of fact about the New Madrid fault.
1. I said that the Guy Ark. quakes *remind* people of the NM quake but made clear in the updated link that Guy Ark was not within the NM Seismic Zone.
ReplyDelete2. However the damage map shows that all of Arkansas can be affected if even a moderate quake happens in the Zone.
3. If you read the update link at the top of the page, in 2009 an Arkansas Geo Survey map shows that Arkansas statewide had 39 measurable earthquakes. Eight were in Faulkner county where the town of our discussion is. In 2010, over 500 occurred in central Arkansas alone. By any measure, this is unusual earthquake activity.
4. Experts have no idea why these quakes are occurring in Guy where there is no seismic zone nor a known fault.
5. There are plenty of links, maps, and data-driven information in this article and in the linked update for you. You only need to read them to have hard data.
6. By the USGS' own standard of yearly averages per magnitude above 5.0, the sheer number of quakes occurring globally each year over the last in each magnitude category has been continually exceeded. This is fact.
7. The end is near. Fact.
ReplyDeleteThere are many reasons for these earthquakes to be happening. The drilling or "fracking" of natural gas in Greenbrier in Faulkner County is a big possibility. And scientists at University of Arkansas in Little Rock believe there is a fault line underneath Central Arkansas that they have discovered and possibly the cause of the earthquakes. Also, the earthquakes have stayed below a 5 on the Richter Scale and hasn't cause any serious damage to the area. A few frames knocked off the wall, maybe. But that's about it. People are only freaking out because it's happening often and they don't experience these things very often.
The end is not near. Fact.
Thank you for the information, Anonymous. There could be many man-made reasons for the swarm, extreme weather, meters/bolieds, animal die-offs, unusual happenings, etc., but the fact is, they are all from God because He told us that when the end is near we would experience these things. The bible is the most factual book you will ever read, and it says the end is near. That means it is also a season of hope for believers, and a season of repentance for non-believers like yourself. Look at yourself objectively and ask, what qualifies me for heaven to dwell with a Holy God?
ReplyDeleteTo all of you who don't believe that the Bible is true I say this: the spirit of deception is hard at work. The Bible makes that clear. I believe the word used is "scoffers". Now you folks consider yourselves to be very intelligent, far above such antiquated fairy tales. That is the spirit of pride ganging up on you along with deception. However, I don't doubt that you are very intelligent. Intelligent people, as a rule, like to know about all opposing views so they can make an informed decision about a subject. I challenge you to study prophecies from the Bible. Invest in a few videos done by astrophysicists, scientists, etc. affliated with the Creation Museum. Go into it with an open mind. See what you think!