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Beth Moore |
"just watched an interview with @johnpiper saying he supports false teacher @bethmoorelpn #sosad"
The young woman's name was Jessica Lam. Mrs Moore was apparently disturbed by Mrs Lam's Twitter comment, so Mrs Moore wrote a long essay at her popular blog accusing Jessica of various things.
The title of Mrs Moore's blog essay about Jessica was "It's Hunting Season for Heretics". This implies, of course, that Jessica Lam is a heretic for calling Mrs Moore a false teacher. Please keep in mind that Mrs Moore is pushing 60 years old, and Mrs Lam is 22.
In Jessica's own words, here is what Mrs Moore accused Jessica of-
"Beth Moore wrote a blog about me because she didn't agree with what I said about her. In it she put me down because of my age and implied that I don't know what I'm talking about because I'm only 22... I'm not experienced enough.. I'm not thinking for myself.. And then she blocked me."
The bible says, "Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled." (Titus 2:3-5).
Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness (Titus 2:2)
Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father, younger men as brothers, (1 Timothy 5:1)
At this point, Mrs Moore began to backtrack, at one point even asking someone to post Jessica's phone number so Mrs Moore could personally call Jessica. Moore promised to "quickly delete it." This brought out the protective husband instinct in Mr Lam. The couple have been married only 4 months, by the way. Mr Lam didn't feel it was wise or safe to post their home phone number on a blog with hundreds of angry supporters just so Moore can "quickly delete it."
Anyway, somehow the two women connected via email. Mrs Lam asked her readers for prayer so that their conversation on both sides would be biblical. Lots of people were praying that would be so.
Mrs Lam has posted the email conversation between herself and Mrs Moore. It can be accessed here.
Several men have commented on this situation. Here are their links.
Beth Moore Confronts Pastors Wife for Criticizing her Direct Revelation
Beth Moore rebukes Articulate, Discerning Young Women: Here is the Fascinating Exchange that Followed
Beth Moore: A Prophet for an Undiscerning Church
I am going to include this into my "All Beth Moore Critiques Here in One Place" essay
And sadly, though this next link has nothing to do with the current brouhaha, the legacy Beth Moore is leaving is this: one of rebellion. Witness this article from Christianity Today published just a few days ago.
What Happens when We See a Woman Teaching the Bible
Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. (Revelation 2:20)
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I took the title of BM's blog to mean it was the season for hunting heretics, like its the season to hunt deer. Not that she was calling Mrs. Lamb a heretic.
I think Moore knew exactly what she was doing.
DeleteThat may be, but I was just pointing out that it didn't necessarily read that way. At least I truly didn't take it that way. I had to really stop and think about it when I read this post. *shrug*
I think it's abundantly clear Moore was referring to herself as the target of the heresy accusations. Between her whiny post, and the witch hunt from the other side, this is all pretty pathetic.
ReplyDeleteThanks Marian. I agree, it was unbiblical, unnecessary, unseemly and unwise.
DeleteI've been mulling over the biblical standards to test for false teachers. According to Romans 16:18, they come in flattery, with smooth speech. If people would keep that and the commentary below in mind when reading Moore's email, I think it would be eye-opening.
Romans 16:17-18 says
17 I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. 18 For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
Matthew Henry's Commentary says,
"(2.) The method they take to compass their design: By good words and fair speeches they deceive the hearts of the simple. Their words and speeches have a show of holiness and zeal for God (it is an easy thing to be godly from the teeth outward), and show of kindness and love to those into whom they instil their corrupt doctrines, accosting them courteously when they intend them the greatest mischief.
Henry, M. (1994). Matthew Henry’s commentary on the whole Bible: complete and unabridged in one volume (p. 2242). Peabody: Hendrickson."
I just went over to beths blog and read the comments. Comment #310 by michelle concisely lays out 3 problems: direct revelation, joyce meyer, catholics. Beth replies and dodges answering. I don't understand why she won't address the concerns if she is so sure she has done nothing wrong? If I were in her position, I would explain my stance. Clearly. Its mind boggling.
I read that too. Is that the one on p. 6 where Moore replies and begins with "I can sense the respect in your tone..." I thought the commenter posed her concerns well. I saw that Moore didn't answer. Like Briar Lam said, the silence speaks volumes.
DeleteYes, that is the one. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but this is a high profile person that has had serious accusations brought against her. It seems a clear and through reply is more than warrented to bring clarity to the issue. The lack of that on her part is very concerning and telling.
So this begs the question... why did Moore single out this particular young woman? Many believers - including pastors and their wives - have publicly stated that Moore is a false teacher, on blogs, on facebook, on twitter, etc, for some time now. So why this woman and why now?
It's an interesting question, isn't it? Erin Benziger wrote on Twitter, 'My 2₵ - Moore is going after critics to 'fulfill' the 'prophecy' she gave about scoffers last year.'
DeleteIt could absolutely be that Moore believes her own propaganda.
It could be that she'd had a hard day and the notion that someone so young (and filled with the Spirit) could see through her. People who are not saved and without the Spirit shrink and shrivel at interactions and convictions coming from Spirit filled people.
In my opinion I think the Spirit blew this up for God's glory. I think that's obvious from the fact you mention- why THIS tweet? Out of the thousands, why Jessica Lam? Since the Spirit was so heavily involved I think part of it was that He really convicted Moore. Think the Wicked witch of the west when the water got thrown on her. Think the Legion of demons shrieking when Jesus approached.
Also in my opinion, it happened the demonic spiritual warfare is getting more harsh and the battle more pitched. We'll see that more frequently as the days (not months, not weeks) pass. LOL, that's not a prophecy, it's how I see what 2 Timothy 3:13 looks like...and 2 Tim 2:16...and Matthew 24:12...
Elizabeth, I bet Erin is on to something there. I remember when the video of Beth surfaced where she talks about scoffers coming and what her followers should be prepared for, the hair on my arms stood up, and I thought to myself, "What a clever set up, she's pre-conditioning her followers minds so that when she is challenged, they will see it as her being the victim of sowers of discord rather than being alerted to the problems with what she says."
DeleteI suppose. Honestly, as I have pondered this, as I see it, Lam didn't say anything that hasn't been said many times over. Nor did Lam say anything particularly strongly worded. I've seen far more piercing Scriptural criticisms of Moore, from many believers, men and women of various ages, all over the internet. Hence my first comment.
Please don't get me wrong, I am glad that 22 year old Lam can see correctly. Good discernment at any age is wonderful to behold. However, given what was said by the young woman, Moore seems to have exploded disproportionally. That's what I find curious in this situation. How did Moore even find this young woman's twitter comment anyhow? There are millions of people on twitter. Nonetheless, I would agree with you on this, it is definitely a spiritual warfare issue.
As for Piper, I'm not surprised one bit he endorsed Moore. His poor judgement about Warren, Driscoll, etc, is already well established.
I really want to focus on the Holy Spirit. We are unaware of most battles that ensue, because they're invisible, or private. But the Lord is sovereign over all His church, and not one iota of a jot or tittle is overlooked. He causes or allows all things. The likelihood of this tweet of all tweets causing the Moore's meltdown is far-fetched, but not when we look at the Spirit's moving in His people, causing all things to come together for the good of those who love Him. I am convinced this was a move of the Spirit and that attributing it to Him gives Jesus glory
DeleteHi Elizabeth,
DeleteJust for the record, I believe the Holy Spirit has been and is present in every single believer's rebuke of Moore's false teachings, whether the situation explodes such as this one, or whether the waters remain calm, because He (the Holy Spirit) is the one who gives the discernment to all. Christ is glorified every time His truth is spoken.
I think this is remarkable, and I thank Elizabeth for sharing it with those of us who do not frequent LPM. It is so gratifying to see some serious analysis of Beth Moore after what seemed to be years of very little critical comment (this blog was an exception). I believe Beth often gets a free pass from male pastors because she is endorsed by Lifeway.
ReplyDeleteI was holding my breath waiting to see what Beth's answer to Jess's final question was, and of course there was none. (If nothing else, a missed opportunity for Beth to enlighten a young sister in the Lord. But I think it was more than that!) I applaud Jess and Briar for their courage.
Chris M
Glory to God.
ReplyDelete'Love hearing stories like these. Justin Peters confronting Todd Bentley was another, the pastor who rebuked the false prophetess on stage at a tent meeting next to his church (Wretched broadcast this a number of times) and I'm sure there are more that aren't coming to mind. It's gratifying to see false preachers being confronted. It shows us that the fight is real, and that the saints aren't sitting it out. A foretaste of glory, in my opinion. By that I mean to refer to my sincere conviction that God intends in some way to show us, in eternity, all the unknown ways in which He operated through history, so that we can glorify Him for all of it. I look forward to an endless ongoing revelation of what we never had the pleasure of discovering during earthly life. :)
And now there's Phil Johnson going after Tyndale for publishing known fabrications of the Malarkey "Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" story, despite the son and mother clearly understanding the sufficiency of Scripture and speaking strongly against the father's and publisher's decisions.
DeleteThat was the book that set off the "heaven tourism" thing, wasn't it?
Hakam Adam, the Malarkey book was published in 2010. An earlier book in the heaven tourism genre which was the first big seller (I believe) in that genre was Don Piper's '90 minutes in Heaven', 2004.
DeleteBeth Moore's teachings are as fake as a two-legged tripod. Avoid her at all costs. She hears "voices." Oh, my.
ReplyDeleteIf you listen to what BM teaches that Jesus revealed to her about unity within the body of Christ including the Roman Catholic church, it's clear its a false teaching preparing the way for the one world religion. Jesus is exclusive of false religions. Yes, the unity will certainly occur worldwide, with the pope leading the way...but the ekklesia will be in heaven by that time.
ReplyDeleteI believe BM partly is deceived into believing she's right, partly because of her large following, which includes Roman Catholic women. Something is wrong when people of false religions follow your teachings...red flag. And never does a crowd indicate that truth is being taught. It just means these are the ones who won't endure sound doctrine.
Thank you for your post on the current situation with BM. After reading it and the included links, I am convinced that BM only singled out Ms. Lam because of her age. Why, how dare a 22 year old call out a nearly 60 year old well respected woman who has devoted the past 30 years studying the Bible! I'm in my 40's and I have met several young twenty-somethings who are solid in their faith and knowledge of God's Word. And I must tell you how much I admire Jessica and others like her who are bold and have yet to tire from the world telling them to sit down and shut up. In reality, there needs to be more biblically sound women of all ages lovingly and respectfully warning our sisters about such people who are leading them and others astray. However, sadly, many of us "bold" Christians have been beaten down or bullied by pastors or other leaders. Personally speaking, I have experienced such bullying by a respected older gentleman in the presence of my pastor. Several years ago, I, a mom of young children was asked to lead a weekly program for the children. Half way through the season, a gentleman wanted some of our prime space for his program. Of course, I was protective as space was already tight. He was not interested in work with me and instead requested a meeting with me and our pastor. In it, he listed his credentials that covered many years of successfully building programs and serving. I had nothing to match his "impressive" resume except a desire to teach my kids and others. My pastor said nothing. I made it through the meeting holding back tears and a huge lump in my throat. Needless to say, I found a new church.
ReplyDeleteAnother reason we are afraid to confront the BMs of this world is because we are worried about offending others or being called judgmental. Speaking of which, I recently heard a sermon in which the pastor said that the most quoted Bible verse 15-20 years ago was John 3:16. Today it's Matt 7:1 "Judge not, lest you be judged..." (not sure his sources). I find that interesting and have heard it quoted often myself, especially by younger people.
At any rate, as I perused the comments posted on BM website nearly all supporting her (I'm guessing she deleted negative posts), I too also noticed the post by the one lady who asked 3 pertinent questions, the last of which questioned her affiliation with Osteen and Meyers. And I too noticed how BM addressed the gal who commented (rather condescending if you ask me) and vaguely answered the first two questions while completely avoiding the 3rd question.
Telling, isn't it?
I am thankful for the Lam's out there who remind me that I don't have to sit down and shut up when told by other so called Christian bullies. Thank you, Jessica!
I hear you, Emily. I have gone to two different male pastors (and one female Bible study leader) expressing my concern about Beth Moore's study materials being used for women's ministry, and each time my comments fell on deaf ears. But you know, I think we have to try.
DeleteChris M
Meh. I don't care much for Beth Moore. But it sure seems like this conversation would be better left off internet for everyone to see. It feels like this was just good blogger material to get you attention.
ReplyDeleteJeff the point IS to let everyone see. Romans 16:17. It's also so THEY can see, (and the false teachers do, believe me, they know what is being written about them), because they are under a curse!
Delete"As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God's curse!" (Galatians 1:9)
If they see the error of their ways, they might repent. If the sheep see the errors of people like Moore, they might not be seduced! It's all good.
Holy Spirit guide us to know true and false teachers. If one doesn't seek out God but teachers, they may never find Him. I was shown John 3:16 in KJV vs. NIV/NLT for example that says different to me and how newer versions are twisting scripture. Does one see the difference? (and by 1 word was all they did) I've mentioned it to others and they don't want to see it... Walk in the Spirit, study the Word, seek God, desire truth and His will He will provide for each of us :) Thank You, Lord! I hope false teachers are shown quickly, Father, in Jesus name.