Franklin Graham's unwise comment about rain

Pastor Gabe Hughes at WWUTT (When We Understand The Text) had a 90-second video response to Franklin Graham's unwise comment at the Inauguration of Donald Trump.

Here is a screen shot:

Here is WWUTT's 90-second video. (All their videos are 90 seconds, check them out!)

As noted in the video, the rain that fell in Genesis was a judgment on all the people of the earth (except for the 8 faithful in Noah's family). Also as noted in the video, Jesus said in Matthew 5:45 that rain falls on the just and the unjust.

God raises up leaders and He takes them down. (Daniel 2:21, Psalm 75:7). Just because President Trump won the election does not necessarily mean God is blessing him or America. God could be judging America by raising up President Trump. The same could apply to ex-President Obama. We don't know what was in God's mind when He raised those men up. We do not know why He allowed President Harrison to lead for only 30 dayswhile He has allowed Queen Elizabeth II to reign for 23,725 days.

In order to state that rain is a sign of blessing at any particular moment, one would have to be able to interpret the omen. God used the Prophets of old as a sign to the people. When Moses threw down his staff and it turned into a snake, it was a sign (omen) and Pharaoh understood it as a sign. He did not interpret it correctly, of course, since he had his own wizards standing by who performed the same sign. Pharaoh interpreted that Moses' God was as not powerful as his false god and that Pharaoh could continue to resist God with no harm, no foul. He was wrong.

And that's the problem with interpreting omens. Without a Prophet having heard directly from God, those who are claiming that rain occurring at any given moment means this or that are in fact claiming to know the mind of God. And that is presumptuous. Here is what the Bible says about interpreting omens, excerpt from GotQuestions:
These portents occurred in the Bible, usually through God’s prophets, when it served God’s purpose. However, the Bible expressly forbids divination of any kind: "Let no one be found among you who . . . interprets omens. . . . Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord" (Deuteronomy 18:10–12). We do not live by superstition, and we should not be searching for good or evil omens. Our understanding of the spiritual world does not come through the occult. God has given us the ultimate sign of His goodness, love, and grace in Jesus Christ (1 John 4:9). The Bible is our source for spiritual insight (2 Peter 1:19–21).
It is a shame, and it is unwise that Mr Graham said this. It's unwise not only for his own soul but because he said it while standing on a platform in which his words would be broadcast globally. If one wanted to give the world a lesson on interpreting the mind of God by divination, one could not have chosen a better moment.

I've written before that Graham's partnering with Catholics at his Crusades is also indicative of a heart that does not understand what the Bible says to do and not to do. (for example, do not interpret omens as already discussed, in the case of partnering with Catholics, do not be unequally yoked, 2 Corinthians 6:14).

May the Lord in His mercy send a spirit of repentance onto Mr Graham, and dispense mercy meanwhile.


Further Reading

2016: Franklin said on his Facebook pagein response to Tim Kaine's hope that the Catholic Church would change its stance against same-sex marriage to accepting one, that
I appreciate the Catholic Church remaining very strong on moral issues through the years, and I pray they will be immovable on the teachings of the Bible.

2014:Franklin Graham part of "a new evangelization" partnering with Catholics, Graham's Three Rivers Festival hosts Catholic Bishop Zubik
Bishop David Zubik was the Catholic representative, and he was invited to give the opening prayer. Worse, seekers were encouraged to come to the Catholic church for counseling, since they were 'right next door.'


  1. That's not the only issue concerning the Grahams. The name "Graham" seems to imply a higher spiritual knowledge and wisdom to their listeners. They have long been an ecumenical family of preachers. I find it disturbing that Billy Graham sat side by side with the pope in unity. And when presidents openly welcomed him, he was "highly esteemed" among them, just as the pope. "The Circle Maker" written by Anne Graham Lotz is a bizarre, unbiblical teaching. Once again, it demonstrates that it's dangerous to blindly follow personalities. It's a sure way of being lead astray. It's an epidemic these days.

    1. I agree! I am working on a blog essay for this week regarding herd mentality.

      I agree there are aberrations, if not heresie,s in Billy Graham's teaching. Concersn also arise with his daughter Anne as you noted, with Franklin, and let's not forget grandson Tullian, who was found as an adulterer and fell below reproach and fired from two churches. A sad family legacy.

    2. The Circle Maker was written by Mark Batterson not by Lotz and yes it is heresey

    3. The Circle Maker was written by Mark Batterson not by ANN Graham Lotz and yes the Circle Maker is unbiblical

  2. Has Trump been baptized?

    1. I'm sorry, I don't know. Maybe google has it somewhere?

    2. Why do you ask? Biblical Baptism does not save anyone! Baptism is one of two ordinances commanded by Jesus for believers. The other is to partake in Communion in remembrance of Christ Jesus.

  3. Important post; informative and an excellent example of needing to use God's Word as our standard to take measure of things. I agree; so many hear the name, Graham, and automatically believe whatever they hear. There are many such well-known personalities that are followed without question. We think we will know those false teachers because they will be obviously hokey but that isn't so.

  4. "The Circle Maker" was authored by Mark Batterson. We are so anamored by "names" they become idols. It's not just in Hollywood,we look like the world. Pray for this president.


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