Everyone and his brother is a prophet nowadays

It seems that I cannot go on any message board these days than to read about someone who calls himself or herself a prophet. I can understand that people want to hear something, anything, that will give them comfort in these troubled times. They are dying to hear some item than will give them a heads up on what might be coming down the pike. But so many people don't want to 'work' for it through a diligent walk with God and daily bible reading, and persistent prayer. It is easier for them to listen to some guy pronouncing things importantly, with gravitas and self assurance. They believe it, and voila, a false prophet with a following is born.

Yes, there are modern-day prophets. No, not everyone who calls themselves one, is one. First, look at what a modern day prophet IS. The old prophets such as Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel etc were prophets in the office of prophet by virtue of being called by God to bring the Word of the LORD to the people. There were no self-made prophets. They did not go to temple and learn how to be one. They were called, called specifically to speak His Word. That Word came directly [i]from[/i] God [i]to[/i] them, and they in their office were bound to share it immediately and clearly, exactly and persistently, no matter what the cost to them personally. Jonah resisted the LORD'S call and ran away but after a series of events occurred he was convinced otherwise to remain dutiful.

Today, we have the Word in the form of the Bible and no longer need prophets to speak it. We can read it. However, we are told that in the latter days (Joel 2:28) that "I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions."

So...Why did God say He will use prophets in the last days when we already have the bible to refer to? To fill in the gaps. This gap-filling was prophesied to occur as the end approached: "But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end, many shall run to and fro [u]and knowledge shall increase[/u]." (Daniel 12:4)

Knowledge shall increase, meaning knowledge of prophecy, if you look at that verse in context. If God said He will pour out his Spirit unto all mankind, He will, and if He said some will prophesy, they will. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If we are told we will receive spiritual gifts, 1 Corinthians 12, and one of those gifts is the gift of prophecy, then not only did they receive it yesterday, but they will also receive it today and forever.

People may be called to say a word that may be spoken to an individual, a social circle, a town, or more widely. They will be "increasing knowledge" by filling in gaps. They will be warning, as the watchmen used to do in the Old Testament. They will be reminding, exhorting, rebuking, chastising...in essence, all the things Old testament prophets used to do but on a more specific and minor scale. Jesus is the Prophet today (Heb 1:1-2) so He has the big picture covered, but we are told that men and women will prophesy, so it can be inferred that these people will fill in the details of the smaller picture.

When coming across people who say they are prophets, I would caution one and all to be suspicious but not despising. To begin with, we are told that there will be many false prophets in the last days (Mat 24:11; 2 Pet 2:1; 1 John 4:1). Another tip-off to be aware of is that people calling themselves a prophet today usually are not. People who are chosen by the God of the Universe to speak His messages are more humbled by the calling than they are proud name-droppers, prancing around with the name 'Prophet' on their letterhead. Also, look to see if what they say comes true.

A true prophet preaches repentance and obedience to God's Law. This has never been a popular message. People aren't generally wildly enthusiastic about a person who tells them they need to shape up their behavior. If you hear of a prophet who has acquired an instant and hugely popular following, then scrutinize his or her message to see that it aligns with the bible. A good example but a terrible tragedy is Oprah. My bet is that the message won't align with God's Word, because in the last days people will like their ears tickled and will not endure sound doctrine (2 Tim 4:3).

The prophetic word that is safe to accept are men and women of God who bring the Word to you unadulterated, no matter what the cost to themselves. Who fill in gaps of understanding with regard to WHAT HAS ALREADY BEEN PROPHESIED. Who do not add their own interpretations. Who bear good fruit. Who may have said something to you that someone has already been said to you once, for when there are two witnesses, a thing is established.

The best thing to do in these last days is be strong on the Word. Memorize scripture. Have an understanding of its precepts. That way, when you came across a false prophet "Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted."


  1. Hi Elizabeth,

    This post answered a lot of bubbling questions I had thanks!



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