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"British scientists are examining the strain of swine flu behind a deadly Ukrainian outbreak to see if the virus has mutated. A total of 189 people have died and more than one million have been infected in the country.
Some doctors have likened the symptoms to those seen in many of the victims of the Spanish flu which caused millions of deaths world-wide after the World War One. An unnamed doctor in western Ukraine told of the alarming effects of the virus. He said: 'We have carried out post mortems on two victims and found their lungs are as black as charcoal. 'They look like they have been burned. It's terrifying.'
The (UK) Daily Express reports "A Million hit by ‘plague worse than swine flue’ "
"A deadly plague could sweep across Europe, doctors fear, after an outbreak of a virus in Ukraine plunged the country and its neighbours into a state of panic. A cocktail of three flu viruses are reported to have mutated into a single pneumonic plague, which it is believed may be far more dangerous than swine flu. The death toll has reached 189 and more than 1 million people have been infected, most of them in the nine regions of Western Ukraine. President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko has called in the World Health Organisation and a team of nine specialists are carrying out tests in Kiev and Lviv to identify the virus. Samples have been sent to London for analysis. President Yushchenko said: “People are dying. The epidemic is killing doctors. This is absolutely inconceivable in the 21st Century.” "
It is thinkable to Christians, however. The bible tells us in Revelation 6:1-8 that four horsemen will be released to storm over the earth, bringing in order: the Antichrist (white horse), war (red horse), famine (black horse), and death by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts (pale, or chloros horse).
These horsemen are judgments unleashed through the first four of seven successive Seals being opened at the start of Daniel's 70th week. The famines, wars, and plagues we are experiencing now are NOT related to the Four Horsemen. "In order for the breaking of the 7 seals to have begun, Daniel’s 70th week would have to have begun. That means Israel would be back in covenant with God, and a peace treaty would have been negotiated allowing Israel to build its temple. The Battle of Ezekiel 38 would have been fought and won, and the Church would have been raptured," writes Jack Kelley. Also, the first sign that we could notice would have been the White Horseman, the great peacemaker arriving on the scene, the one who deceives and plans to craftily make war: the Antichrist. That horseman has not been unleashed because the antichrist is not revealed as yet, so the first seal has not been broken. Mainly we can know the seals have not yet begun to be opened because they are judgments, and Christians in the Church Age are not under judgment. 1Thessalonians 5:9 says that we are not appointed to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. We suffer persecution, trials, but not judgment.
So if the Ukraine strange and deadly plague isn't the Black Horseman seal judgment what is it? It is the precursor to the coming wrath. It is part of the end time birth pangs. Wars, rumors of war, famines and earthquakes are some of the examples given in Matthew 24 as the indicators of the nearing of the tribulation judgments. They will increase in intensity and in number. Luke has pestilence in his account. If you see the pangs increasing then know that since the rapture precedes the tribulation then the rapture is nearing.
The Ukraine flu, along with the swine flu, seem to me to be precursors of what is coming. Since the end times signs have been described as birth pangs we know that they do not descend suddenly on the earth but begin slowly and build noticeably. The Ukraine flu may indeed be one such pang. In any case, it must be terrifying for the citizens of the Ukraine to know that a dread disease has appeared among them that turns lungs to black charcoal, melted and boiled, in just two days from onset. Times surely are perilous. Do you know Who your redemption is? He seeks YOU, loves YOU, and wants YOU. Jesus saves.
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