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My first thought upon hearing this news was, "I wonder where he is."
My second thought was, "I wonder if he's surprised he got there."
Paul Crouch was one of the world's biggest heretics, and he used his network to spread the name of a false Jesus throughout the world. It's amazing to see the outpouring on Twitter of people who are mourning his death and lauding his accomplishment. His "accomplishment," such as it was, was to bring hell to the lost people of the world, packaged as a Prosperity Jesus, deluding millions and engendering despair and squandered hope. He besmirched the name of Jesus, doing many dark works by using His holy name as cover.
Christian Post wrote the following in August 2013,
10 Crazy Quotes From Televangelists
Paul Crouch made Christian Post's list twice.
"Televangelists have a long history of saying embarrassing things on TV. The Bible teaches that the words we say reflect what is in our heart (Luke 6:45). So let's take a look at ten of the crazy comments televangelists have made."
Paul Crouch, Kenneth Copeland and Creflo Dollar teach that we are gods. Bible teacher Justin Peters says these religious leaders "demote God and deify man."
1. "I am a little god. I have His name. I am one with Him. I'm in covenant relationship. I am a little god. Critics be gone!" says Paul Crouch.
Last year Brittany Koper, the granddaughter of Trinity Broadcasting Network founders Paul and Jan Crouch, sued her former attorneys and released damaging information about the TV network's leadership. Following her lawsuit, this video was shown on TBN's program Behind the Scenes. Paul Crouch says that he attended the funerals of two TBN critics.
2. Paul Crouch says: "God help anyone who would try to get in a way of TBN, which was God’s plan. I have attended the funeral of at least two people who tried."
This next tidbit is from the Museum of Idolatry. It is not a doctored pic.
Paul Crouch flips off in Jerusalem
"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But, this picture of Paul Crouch of TBN only brings two words to mind. But, only focusing on the hand gesture and missing the bigger offense is really easy to do and is like missing the forest because of a tree. To make sure that you don't do that, ask yourself an important question regarding this photo:
What is MORE offensive, the hand gesture or the fact that Paul Crouch, a money grubbing charlatan con man who has made millions upon millions of dollars teaching rank heresy is wearing a clerical collar and broadcasting his flim flam from Jerusalem with the Temple Mount directly behind him?"
Before we all go misty-eyed over this man, let's remember the harm he has done to the name of Jesus, and the harm he has done to the faith, and the harm he has done to the sheep.
As Paul the Apostle said, "Alexander the coppersmith did me great harm; the Lord will repay him according to his deeds." (2 Timothy 4:14)
"Some have in fact already turned away to follow Satan." (1 Timothy 5:15)
"Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus," (2 Timothy 2:17)
Let's keep in perspective the damage that one man can do, his teaching spreading like gangrene across the world to infect the naive and unwary.
NPR has a thorough overview of his life,
Paul Crouch, Co-Founder Of Trinity Broadcasting Network, Dies
Many laud the Crouches for their broadcast network which is global. Paul and Jan Crouch started TBN in 1974 with Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, and it began broadcasting as KTBN-TV in 1977- the same year that John MacArthur's Grace To You broadcast ministry was born.
Both broadcasters, TBN and GTY, broadcast in a variety of mediums, radio and tv, internet and satellite. Both purport to preach the gospel to the lost and dying world, but only one really does. Through the years, all four of TBN's founders (Jan & Paul Crouch, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker) have come below reproach, having been exposed as possessing serious moral, ethical and doctrinal sins. As TBN started there was a falling out between the Crouches and the Bakkers and for control over TBN in the first place. It started with a fight for money and control.
John MacArthur and his people have been preaching verse-by-verse since 1969 and to a wider audience since 1977 and not one hint or whisper of any reproach has ever been charged against them. In addition, GTY has started the following resources, mostly free to any and all-
--The GraceLife Pulpit: The preaching of Phil Johnson (GTY Executive Director) and Mike Riccardi.
--The Master's Academy International: Strategic support for theological and ministry training centers around the world.
--The Master’s College: Doctrinally sound, academically excellent, globally accessible.
--The Master’s Seminary: A seminary dedicated to training pastors and trainers of pastors.
--The Shepherds’ Conference: A conference aimed at equipping pastors and church leaders.
--Theological Resource Center: An organized approach to a wealth of Bible-centered resources.
Most of the resources listed above are freely accessible. Imagine, not even having to send seed money to get access. TBN has spawned nothing except reproach, doctrinal aberrations which confuse the seekers, and lucre-lined pockets for the Crouches, and a decided lack of transparency about where the donations go. (For example, they received $93 million in 2010).
TBN presents and supports a never-ending parade of circus acts in the form of charlatans and wolves fleecing the sheep, while GTY presents a never ending-array of solid, Godly men who lift up Jesus to the highest through biblical preaching and edification of the pure church. And they do it every day, globally; every year, thoughtfully, with no fanfare (and no scandal). What comes out of GTY are men trained through their programs and seminaries, multiplying the powerful word to a lost and dying world; and women and children edified by their teaching. What comes out of TBN is gangrene killing the tare-filled church.
You hadn't known that GTY was a big as a success as TBN? That is because TBN is about TBN, and GTY is about Jesus.
Ezekiel 33:11 says that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. If anything this is an opportunity to take stock, to re-assess whether you have TBN on in the background of your home as you do housework, or that you still subscribe to it unthinkingly, or that you watch it at all. There is no good there. I hope that the Crouch family takes this opportunity to re-assess their way, and turn from it. I sincerely hope so.
The lesson here is that heresy comes in all packages. The lesson here is that humility comes in softly, unnoticed. The lesson here is of apostasy, and the damaging evil it brings. The lesson here is to always keep your eye and heart on Jesus, and to stay in the word so one does not go adrift. (Hebrews 2:1). I pray that when we're called home through death or rapture, we are not surprised where we end up. Jesus prophesied,
"On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’" (Matthew 7:22-23)
Good resources: (From GTY.org)
Grace Community Church: The church John MacArthur has pastored for more than four decades. Available here is verse-by-verse preaching through the entire New Testament, plus many OT texts.
Grace Advance: Helping develop and establish churches across the US and around the world.
The GraceLife Pulpit: The preaching of Phil Johnson (GTY Executive Director) and Mike Riccardi.
The Master's Academy International: Strategic support for theological and ministry training centers around the world.
The Master’s College: Doctrinally sound, academically excellent, globally accessible. Many lectures are freely available to non-students
The Master’s Seminary: A seminary dedicated to training pastors and trainers of pastors. Links here for non-students to Web Resources, and Free Journal Resources
The Shepherds’ Conference: A conference aimed at equipping pastors and church leaders.
Strange Fire: a GTY/Truth Matters conference series, evaluates the doctrines, claims, and practices of the modern charismatic movement, and affirms the true Person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. 19 free lectures, audio, video, or download
Theological Resource Center: An organized approach to a wealth of Bible-centered resources.
Other Links
GTY.org disclaimer, GTY.org has provided the links below for your edification, but please understand that a listing here does not equate to a full endorsement by GTY of everything published on a particular website.
Albert Mohler: Commentaries, articles, and radio programs by a leading theologian and cultural commentator.
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals: Recovering and proclaiming the great evangelical truths.
Alpha and Omega Ministries: Articles, books, and a bi-weekly webcast from premier Reformed apologist James White.
Answers in Genesis: An apologetic ministry training Christians to defend the faith, primarily against attacks on Genesis.
Banner of Truth Trust: Articles, books, and a monthly magazine--it's biblical Christianity through literature.
Bible Gateway: Resources to promote and enhance Bible reading.
Biblical Training: Four stages of biblical training, from introductory to seminary level.
Challies.com: Thoughtful articles and book reviews.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library: A digital library of hundreds of classic Christian books.
Christian History Institute: A look at Christian history, starting with Jesus and the apostles.
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: Defending the biblical teaching about complementary differences between men and women.
Crosswalk.com: Resources to promote and enhance Bible reading.
The Hall of Church History: Giving a voice to those who, being dead, still speak.
The Henry Institute: Devoted to helping evangelicals engage the culture from a biblical worldview.
Institute for Creation Research: Provides scientific evidences of biblical accuracy.
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: An online Bible encyclopedia that’s free and trustworthy.
JohnOwen.org: The comprehensive repository of John Owen.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones Recordings Trust: The official, online repository of the ministry of David Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
Monergism.com: A repository of resources on Reformed theology.
9 Marks Ministries: Helping pastors and leaders to discover and apply biblical priorities in the local church.
Open Bible: Geocoding all the known locations in the Bible using Google Earth.
Reformation 21: Encouraging a biblical worldview and constructive cultural engagement.
The Spurgeon Archive: The comprehensive repository of C. H. Spurgeon.
The Voice of Calvary: The audio archive of Dr. Jack MacArthur. (John MacArthur's father)
Way of the Master: Giving Christians a way to share the gospel simply, effectively, and biblically.
My second thought was, "I wonder if he's surprised he got there."
Paul Crouch was one of the world's biggest heretics, and he used his network to spread the name of a false Jesus throughout the world. It's amazing to see the outpouring on Twitter of people who are mourning his death and lauding his accomplishment. His "accomplishment," such as it was, was to bring hell to the lost people of the world, packaged as a Prosperity Jesus, deluding millions and engendering despair and squandered hope. He besmirched the name of Jesus, doing many dark works by using His holy name as cover.
Christian Post wrote the following in August 2013,
10 Crazy Quotes From Televangelists
Paul Crouch made Christian Post's list twice.
"Televangelists have a long history of saying embarrassing things on TV. The Bible teaches that the words we say reflect what is in our heart (Luke 6:45). So let's take a look at ten of the crazy comments televangelists have made."
Paul Crouch, Kenneth Copeland and Creflo Dollar teach that we are gods. Bible teacher Justin Peters says these religious leaders "demote God and deify man."
1. "I am a little god. I have His name. I am one with Him. I'm in covenant relationship. I am a little god. Critics be gone!" says Paul Crouch.
Last year Brittany Koper, the granddaughter of Trinity Broadcasting Network founders Paul and Jan Crouch, sued her former attorneys and released damaging information about the TV network's leadership. Following her lawsuit, this video was shown on TBN's program Behind the Scenes. Paul Crouch says that he attended the funerals of two TBN critics.
2. Paul Crouch says: "God help anyone who would try to get in a way of TBN, which was God’s plan. I have attended the funeral of at least two people who tried."
This next tidbit is from the Museum of Idolatry. It is not a doctored pic.
Paul Crouch flips off in Jerusalem
"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But, this picture of Paul Crouch of TBN only brings two words to mind. But, only focusing on the hand gesture and missing the bigger offense is really easy to do and is like missing the forest because of a tree. To make sure that you don't do that, ask yourself an important question regarding this photo:
What is MORE offensive, the hand gesture or the fact that Paul Crouch, a money grubbing charlatan con man who has made millions upon millions of dollars teaching rank heresy is wearing a clerical collar and broadcasting his flim flam from Jerusalem with the Temple Mount directly behind him?"
Before we all go misty-eyed over this man, let's remember the harm he has done to the name of Jesus, and the harm he has done to the faith, and the harm he has done to the sheep.
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Paul & Jan Crouch celebrating 54 years of marriage. TBN photo |
"Some have in fact already turned away to follow Satan." (1 Timothy 5:15)
"Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus," (2 Timothy 2:17)
Let's keep in perspective the damage that one man can do, his teaching spreading like gangrene across the world to infect the naive and unwary.
NPR has a thorough overview of his life,
Paul Crouch, Co-Founder Of Trinity Broadcasting Network, Dies
Many laud the Crouches for their broadcast network which is global. Paul and Jan Crouch started TBN in 1974 with Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, and it began broadcasting as KTBN-TV in 1977- the same year that John MacArthur's Grace To You broadcast ministry was born.

John MacArthur and his people have been preaching verse-by-verse since 1969 and to a wider audience since 1977 and not one hint or whisper of any reproach has ever been charged against them. In addition, GTY has started the following resources, mostly free to any and all-
--The GraceLife Pulpit: The preaching of Phil Johnson (GTY Executive Director) and Mike Riccardi.
--The Master's Academy International: Strategic support for theological and ministry training centers around the world.
--The Master’s College: Doctrinally sound, academically excellent, globally accessible.
--The Master’s Seminary: A seminary dedicated to training pastors and trainers of pastors.
--The Shepherds’ Conference: A conference aimed at equipping pastors and church leaders.
--Theological Resource Center: An organized approach to a wealth of Bible-centered resources.
Most of the resources listed above are freely accessible. Imagine, not even having to send seed money to get access. TBN has spawned nothing except reproach, doctrinal aberrations which confuse the seekers, and lucre-lined pockets for the Crouches, and a decided lack of transparency about where the donations go. (For example, they received $93 million in 2010).
TBN presents and supports a never-ending parade of circus acts in the form of charlatans and wolves fleecing the sheep, while GTY presents a never ending-array of solid, Godly men who lift up Jesus to the highest through biblical preaching and edification of the pure church. And they do it every day, globally; every year, thoughtfully, with no fanfare (and no scandal). What comes out of GTY are men trained through their programs and seminaries, multiplying the powerful word to a lost and dying world; and women and children edified by their teaching. What comes out of TBN is gangrene killing the tare-filled church.
You hadn't known that GTY was a big as a success as TBN? That is because TBN is about TBN, and GTY is about Jesus.
Ezekiel 33:11 says that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. If anything this is an opportunity to take stock, to re-assess whether you have TBN on in the background of your home as you do housework, or that you still subscribe to it unthinkingly, or that you watch it at all. There is no good there. I hope that the Crouch family takes this opportunity to re-assess their way, and turn from it. I sincerely hope so.
The lesson here is that heresy comes in all packages. The lesson here is that humility comes in softly, unnoticed. The lesson here is of apostasy, and the damaging evil it brings. The lesson here is to always keep your eye and heart on Jesus, and to stay in the word so one does not go adrift. (Hebrews 2:1). I pray that when we're called home through death or rapture, we are not surprised where we end up. Jesus prophesied,
"On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’" (Matthew 7:22-23)
Good resources: (From GTY.org)
Grace Community Church: The church John MacArthur has pastored for more than four decades. Available here is verse-by-verse preaching through the entire New Testament, plus many OT texts.
Grace Advance: Helping develop and establish churches across the US and around the world.
The GraceLife Pulpit: The preaching of Phil Johnson (GTY Executive Director) and Mike Riccardi.
The Master's Academy International: Strategic support for theological and ministry training centers around the world.
The Master’s College: Doctrinally sound, academically excellent, globally accessible. Many lectures are freely available to non-students
The Master’s Seminary: A seminary dedicated to training pastors and trainers of pastors. Links here for non-students to Web Resources, and Free Journal Resources
The Shepherds’ Conference: A conference aimed at equipping pastors and church leaders.
Strange Fire: a GTY/Truth Matters conference series, evaluates the doctrines, claims, and practices of the modern charismatic movement, and affirms the true Person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. 19 free lectures, audio, video, or download
Theological Resource Center: An organized approach to a wealth of Bible-centered resources.
Other Links
GTY.org disclaimer, GTY.org has provided the links below for your edification, but please understand that a listing here does not equate to a full endorsement by GTY of everything published on a particular website.
Albert Mohler: Commentaries, articles, and radio programs by a leading theologian and cultural commentator.
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals: Recovering and proclaiming the great evangelical truths.
Alpha and Omega Ministries: Articles, books, and a bi-weekly webcast from premier Reformed apologist James White.
Answers in Genesis: An apologetic ministry training Christians to defend the faith, primarily against attacks on Genesis.
Banner of Truth Trust: Articles, books, and a monthly magazine--it's biblical Christianity through literature.
Bible Gateway: Resources to promote and enhance Bible reading.
Biblical Training: Four stages of biblical training, from introductory to seminary level.
Challies.com: Thoughtful articles and book reviews.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library: A digital library of hundreds of classic Christian books.
Christian History Institute: A look at Christian history, starting with Jesus and the apostles.
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: Defending the biblical teaching about complementary differences between men and women.
Crosswalk.com: Resources to promote and enhance Bible reading.
The Hall of Church History: Giving a voice to those who, being dead, still speak.
The Henry Institute: Devoted to helping evangelicals engage the culture from a biblical worldview.
Institute for Creation Research: Provides scientific evidences of biblical accuracy.
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: An online Bible encyclopedia that’s free and trustworthy.
JohnOwen.org: The comprehensive repository of John Owen.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones Recordings Trust: The official, online repository of the ministry of David Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
Monergism.com: A repository of resources on Reformed theology.
9 Marks Ministries: Helping pastors and leaders to discover and apply biblical priorities in the local church.
Open Bible: Geocoding all the known locations in the Bible using Google Earth.
Reformation 21: Encouraging a biblical worldview and constructive cultural engagement.
The Spurgeon Archive: The comprehensive repository of C. H. Spurgeon.
The Voice of Calvary: The audio archive of Dr. Jack MacArthur. (John MacArthur's father)
Way of the Master: Giving Christians a way to share the gospel simply, effectively, and biblically.
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ReplyDeleteEzekiel 33:11 hits the nail on the head - oh, that these charlatans would heed God's call to repentance while they still have breath...
Me too Carolyn. Apostasy is a sad, sad thing.
DeleteI had no idea that the old money grabber was dead. Hopefully the others will quickly follow him. I shudder to think how many of these false teachers have left millions of their followers broke, depressed and farther away from God.
DeleteOne thing we can be sure of if the people gave as giving to the Lord, they will be blessed and counted as a faithful servant REGARDLESS of how the money was handled.
DeleteHmmmm....I watch SBN! :-) Pentecost at any cost!
ReplyDeleteAmen! Same here! The truth!
Delete"What profit is it to gain the whole world but to lose your soul". Very sad this man never came to the true saving knowledge...
ReplyDeleteI don't believe the health and wealth gospel but a good study that would prove it does not work would be to survey people who attend those kinds of churches with real Christian church goers. The bottom line of the survey would be, are the people into health and wealth richer and healthier than people who just go to normal Bible believing churches? Of course not but a valid study could be used as a witnessing tool! Now that's an idea for a disertation.
ReplyDeleteWell...it *could* be a valid witnessing tool...except the people who flock to these churches are deluded by satan and won't listen to reason (2 Cor 4:4) and the people who can discern the falsity of the prosperity doctrine are already cured.
DeleteThe best witnessing tool is the bible. It has the power.
Billy Gourley December 17 2013 1055 am For people who wants to here the true gospel preached you should watch SBN NETWORK BROTHER JIMMY SWAGGART and all there preachers. They preach Jesus Christ and Him = Dieing for your Sins on the Cross, THE REAL GOSPLE of CHRIST
DeletePraise the Lord for SBN! They preach the truth!
Deleteheresy is hardly the problem with people such as Paul crouch. He was a con artist, con artist who found his pitch in a language of theology. It's a shame some people can only seem to respond to him in kind.