Apostasy: the church's carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs after enough inhalation of carbon monoxide (CO). Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas, but, being colorless, odorless, tasteless, and initially non-irritating, it is very difficult for people to detect.

Carbon Monoxide poisoning is deadly! Now that the heating season is here, we should be careful with woodstoves, gas stoves, and other heaters that incorrectly set or maintained, can emit this deadly gas. So what is carbon monoxide (CO) and how is it produced?

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a deadly, colorless, odorless, poisonous gas. It is produced by the incomplete burning of various fuels, including coal, wood, charcoal, oil, kerosene, propane, and natural gas. Products and equipment powered by internal combustion engines such as portable generators, cars, lawn mowers, and power washers also produce CO.

What are the symptoms of CO poisoning?
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness

High level CO poisoning results in progressively more severe symptoms, including:
  • Mental confusion
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of muscular coordination
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Ultimately death

Heresy monoxide poisoning occurs after enough inhalation of heretical monoxide (HO). Heresy monoxide is a toxic gas, but, being colorless, odorless, tasteless, and initially non-irritating, it is very difficult for people to detect. Now that Perilous Times are here, (2 Timothy 3:1) we must carefully shepherd our faith, which incorrectly maintained, can succumb this deadly gas.

What is heresy (HO) and how is it produced?

Heresy (HO) is a deadly, colorless, odorless, poisonous gas. It is produced by the incomplete burning of various sins, including greed, envy, adultery, gossip, fornication, idolatry, and thievery. Products and equipment powered by internal combustion of false teachers, unsaved pastors, unqualified deacons, vision casters, and power mongers also produce HO. It infiltrates silently on the backs of words containing ideas contrary to what is written in the bible and entertained in the mind for any length of time. What makes it deadly is that it is difficult to detect and initially non-irritating and non-threatening.

What are the symptoms of HO poisoning?
  • Headache from listening to emergent sermons
  • Fatigue from battling false doctrines
  • Shortness of breath from gasping at the loudness of rock and roll "worship"
  • Nausea from platitudes from the pulpit
  • Dizziness from being tossed back and forth over the waves (Eph 4:14)

High level HO poisoning results in progressively more severe symptoms, including:
Mental confusion
Loss of muscular prayer life
Loss of conscience
Ultimately death

To avoid Heresy Poisoning, breathe the pure air of biblical doctrine, congregate with fellow believers, pray constantly, remain vigilant about burning off sins completely, by casting them to the feet of Jesus and repenting of them.


  1. No kidding. People perishing because of off gassing false teachers.
    Carbon monoxide appears when burning Natural gas or Propane when the is incomplete combustion. Interesting correlation.

  2. "Shortness of breath from gasping at the loudness of rock and roll "worship"
    Nausea from platitudes from the pulpit"


    Ok, Elizabeth, that was really funny!

    Anyhow, another parallel between CO and apostasy - just as people sometimes intentionally silence CO and smoke detectors, because they don't want to hear the "noise" from the alarm beeping, congregations sometimes intentionally silence HO detectors (ie: those with discernment), because they don't want to hear that their favorite teacher is off the mark.

    Case in point, the first comment on your most recent Moore post (Blind leading the blind).

    (I'm still laughing because of your quotes above...)


  3. Jeff, read this: http://kentcrockett.com/biblestudies/rapture.htm

    And I know this is sloppy work without my quoting EXACT Scripture locations, perhaps I can aim to do that later. But keep in mind ~ when the saints RETURN with Jesus (end of Tribulation) we cannot BE RETURNING ~ unless we are ALREADY WITH HIM!!

    John 14 tells of the rapture, know you'll want to read that.

    Revelation -- people like Jezebel who commit fornication & adultery, the Lord will toss INTO THE GREAT TRIBULATION; He obviously does not toss HIS OWN into it, those who love, honor, and obey Him, but merely those who thumb their noses at Him in doing the very iniquity/lawlessness that He tells them NOT to.

    Those with the Lord, while the Tribulation is going on here on earth, are the called, chosen AND FAITHFUL.

    Remember it will come as a snare to ALL WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH (Luke 21) the hour of temptation (Rev. 3) I suppose that's the temptation to test and see who they are going to honor and worship?? The Antichrist and take his mark so they can feed their stomachs (and ultimately burn in hell forever) or the Lord and be murdered as a Trib Saint (but go directly to paradise & be with Him forever) The choice is clear: either LIVE FOR HIM NOW or DIE FOR HIM THEN.

    And as such ~ a snare, do a word search at BibleGateway, you can see that is not what the Lord wants for us! To fall into a snare or a trap. So while the earth dwellers are caught in this snare, those in heaven will be where righteousness dwells.

    Read the O.T., too, specifically Isaiah 26:20-21 Here: NKJV says TAKE REFUGE FROM THE COMING JUDGMENT
    Come, my people, enter your chambers,
    And shut your doors behind you;
    Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment,
    Until the indignation is past.

    For behold, the Lord comes out of His place
    To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity;
    The earth will also disclose her blood,
    And will no more cover her slain

    you see, He is coming to PUNISH the people here on earth, we will not be inhabiting the earth at that time.

    Also catch that word, "door" and compare it to Revelation as well where He shuts the door.

    By believing in the pre-tribulational rapture (our BLESSED HOPE btw!) we purify ourselves.

    Also this week, perhaps you'd want to read David Cloud's post at www.wayoflife.org I do not agree with EVERYTHING he writes, and only scanned his article about the pre-trib rapture. Also go to the "search" bar at www.a-voice.org and find a WHOLE TON of info about pre-trib rapture!!

    Pay special, special attention to the link above that I offered to Kent Crockett's site explaining the differences between the pre-trib rapture & the Lord's SECOND coming!!

    Lastly I want you to consider, no need (insane, absolutely absurd even) to rapture us at the END of the Tribulation -- we'd have to IMMEDIATELY do a 180 degree turn around & come right back down to earth as Jesus comes, and we'd never even get to see our heavenly mansions (John 14)

    Also consider hoards, too many to even count, will come out of the last great revival DURING THE TRIBULATION.... what brings about this revival, Jeff? It could not be status quo, as in today's world people are only getting worse & worse & further away from the Lord..... no desire to even seek Him!!! There has to be something ~ a big reason ~ to make them even WANT to seek Him!! That catalyst would be the rapture.


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