
Will Heaven Have Oceans? My Take

Scripture photo: Weary

Editorial: Be vigilant about your comment section

Lists, lists, we all like lists. Listapalooza

First female Bishop; "Propelling" women beyond their roles, people with discernment called "disgruntled serial protesters"

Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead

Scripture Photo: We worship the Good Shepherd

Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the Holy Spirit's work through Common Grace

Scripture photo: Life- fragile, ephemeral, a vapor

So much grace and good gifts from the Father

Tender Moments in the Bible (repost)

Logos 6 review

(Updated) Unity is over-inflated. Let's have more division, please. A report on the CCM free concert "We Will Stand"

Birds of the air

How is being clamorous like a Russian nesting doll?

Philippians 1:10- Why do we want to abound in all discernment?

A few good links: 'One True God' free download workbook; Meaning of Pastor, Atheism, CT quake swarm, more

I avidly used to watch Joel Osteen every week

What will it be like to be glorified?

Discernment: Flatteries of false teachers

How should we treat false teachers? S. Lewis Johnson answers

Beth Moore's heretic hunting article and its fallout

Those distressing sin-battles

"But you can't know that [false teacher's] heart! You can't ascribe motivations!" Yes. Yes we can.

The Pillars of Creation