
There's one thing we're all good at

An exhortation about false teaching from Jeremiah

I liked this girl's purity rant; one dad's review of the program Passport2Purity

Praise the Lamb, who is building His church

Does God speak to us? Should I expect Him to?

Visual Exegesis: Full of Eyes' "Members of the Body"

4000 posts!

A short encouragement about the rapture (with no dates)

If Jeremiah, John the Baptist, and Paul were Arminian...

Why does America love death so much?

Visual Exegesis: Jesus Upholding the Universe

Man in a Hurry, Sunday slowdown

What is Living Water?

God needs nothing...but...

Do you know how fast God can run?

There's no such thing as tragedy in a Christian's life

Our Compassionate Lord

Kay Cude poetry: Mother and Son

Earthly Footsteps of The Man of Galilee: the thorny fence

The Nile River, the Nile in the Bible, and the Nilometer

Throwback Thursday: He will open the door and He will close the door

Eschatology is not a fringe field of study but it attracts a wacky fringe element