
'Every tribe and tongue' an encouraging mission movie (30-min)

Even says "Joel Osteen Worships Himself" (re-post)

Learning when to stay in and when to separate out

What is love?

Good fruit (Not what you think)

Book Review Shots: Updates on books read and to-read

Does the SBC and Lifeway apply a double standard to Beth Moore? Open Letter follow-up

Kay Cude Poetry: The Hypocrites

Propitiation: A Stunning Method to Bring the Son a Bride

The opposite view of Elisha's servant

Interlude: Thoughts on our Dazzling, Righteous, Holy Savior

Bring me a minstrel: Music in worship

An Open Letter To Beth Moore

Theology Gals: Encouragement for Singles

The only way to deal with sin is to mortify it

Kay Cude Poetry: "Remain: You are chosen by God the Son"

Dead bodies and live bodies

Where are the good and godly men in your life?

On having ears to hear

On Every High Hill...

Panting after more light