
Thirty Days of Jesus Redux: Day 4

This is worth its own post

Thirty Days of Jesus Redux: Day 3

John Allen Chau's death stuns, angers, and perplexes the world

Thirty Days of Jesus Redux: Day 2

Book Review- Heaven and Hell: Jonathan Edwards on the Afterlife by John Gerstner

Thirty Days of Jesus Redux: Day 1

Thirty Days of Jesus: Redux

Word of the Week: Fruit of the Spirit, Goodness

Movie Review- American Gospel: Christ Alone

Forget 'What color is your parachute?', Beth Moore wants to know the color of the hands that wrote the books on your shelf

Thanksgiving throwback

Throwback: Lot Received So Much Mercy

Gratitude abounds, the LORD is so worthy to be loved and praised!

Good advice from Charles Spurgeon about Twitter polls

Sunday word of the Week: Fruit of the Spirit, Kindness

Christmas Carols are on, including The Coventry Carol

"We've always had false teachers..."

Creation Grace: Build Your House Upon the Rock

A plague of false teachers